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Drivers Picture

和廖教练学车union city DMV驾校顺利通过考试!~~~_edited
新联合驾校 教练教车- 看照片就知道过没有过_副本_edited
和廖教练学车union city DMV驾校顺利通过考试!~~~_edited
新联合驾校 教练教车- 讲解_副本_edited
新联合驾校 教练教车- 顺利拿到驾照_edited
新联合驾校 教练教车- 顺利拿到驾照~!_edited
Smooth driving license

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Roadside parking skills

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Window gestures

California driver's license recommended Liao coach - Window gestures

Help adjust the steering wheel

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Parking storage

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Pay attention to roadside directions

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Pay attention to stop sign

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Pay attention to turn to that

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Parking storage

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Parking location

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Storage parking

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Car on the road said

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Road test roadblocks

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

Road test road barrier to enter

California driver's license recommended Liao coach

California Road test - Ride aside

California Road test

California Road test driving methods

California Road test

Red light parking

California Road test

California Road test

California Road test

California road test ready to park

California Road test

Ready to stop the moment

California Road test

Ready to test

California Road test

California Road test - ready to fire

California Road test

Pay attention to double yellow line

California Road test

Pay attention to signs

California Road test

Pay attention to roadside distance

California Road test

Note stop sign

California Road test

Parking storage

California Road test

Road test parking distance

California Road test

California Road test - parking

California Road test

Hold the steering with both hands

California Road test

Two-handed steering wheel

California driver's license

Before the car ready to test

California driver's license

Logo on the road

California driver's license

Driver before license

California driver's license

Speed on the road

California driver's license

Road sign

California driver's license

加州 驾照  路边停车
Can go that direction

California driver's license

The side of the parking

California driver's license

Forbidden to turn right

California driver's license

Red light sign

California driver's license

Stall posture

California driver's license

Hanging gear operation

California driver's license

Teach speed road signs

California driver's license

Keep the paper away from the car

California driver's license

California driving roadblocks

California driver's license

On the road test

California driver's license

Roadside parking distance

California driver's license


California driver's license

Waiting for exam

California driver's license

Written test

California driver's license

Standard ignition

California driver's license

Pay attention to roadside directions

California driver's license

Standard ignition

California driver's license

I am ready - driver's license

California driver's license

Test finished successfully

California driver's license

Test finished

Bay Area Driving School

_考完 顺利到达指定停车位
旧金山 驾校
考驾照driving-class - Copy
考驾照 中英对照表
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